The Power is in your land
Sunday Helps Landowners

Farm Income

By leasing your land for a solar or energy storage facility you secure another revenue stream for your farm supporting your way of life for generations.

Here’s why landowners

Diversify farm income with solar


Multiple revenue streams strengthen the resilience of your farm and unlock new opportunities. A solar lease provides a guaranteed income for future generations.


Good for the planet and good for you. Promote a positive legacy by benefiting the environment, food, and future generations through a development approach that embraces dual land use.

us solar energy production


As connections to the electricity grid are limited and specific, time is of the essence to understand if your land qualifies. The energy transition is a once in a century type of opportunity.


Let the sun do the heavy lifting while you sit back and collect passive income. Once operational, solar facilities require very little annual upkeep which means minimal disturbance.

Get Started

Wondering how much you could earn? Enter a few details and leave the rest to us.

solar power in usa
Unique advantages

Why Partner With Sunday?

The American

Energy Transition

Energy generation and transmission is shifting across America’s power networks. Energy is becoming more decentralized and American landowners are at the centre of this change. Times of transition and disruption bring incredible opportunity.

solar project investments

Federal incentives like the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) followed by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in 2022 create a stable foundation for solar to grow across America.

distributed energy resources

State level Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) set targets to incorporate more renewable electricity generation into their energy mix.

distributed energy systems

Utility-run initiatives and procurement processes to source new renewable generation and energy storage assets.

Distinctive Dimensions

the 4 pillars of Sunday

By focusing on the 4 pillars critical to the success of any renewable energy project, Sunday lowers execution risk and
development time for each project. By connecting landowners, communities, electricity networks and investors Sunday delivers
a highly agile and proactive development process.

Harmony in Sustainability

Navigating the
Symbiosis of Clean Energy
and Food Production

Explore more about dual land use for agroecosystem benefits. With Sunday, enjoy the
best of both worlds for more opportunities


Ideal for animals seeking a balance of sunlight and shade, creating a comfortable environment for both energy production and animal well-being.


Conserve water through rainwater harvesting and ensure a greener future by storing excess rain for later use.

Crop Yield

Suitable conditions for shade-loving plants to boost crop yield. Cultivating an ideal microclimate that fosters agricultural productivity.


power a brighter future

We are always looking for passionate people who want to make a difference. Join Sunday Power Group for impactful careers in renewable energy development that offer innovation, challenge, and professional growth.

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